What is a comparator?
The Finescale Magnifying Comparator is a precision optical instrument consisting of a 6 power magnifier and any one of more than 30 transparent scales called “reticles” assembled to make a convenient pocket instrument. It performs, at extremely low cost, many of the functions of projection-type optical comparators costing thousands of dollars.
Needing no additional light source, the specially-powered magnifier compares the part with a transparent, dimensional-scale pattern, instantaneously revealing accurate plus or minus measurement.
Who is it for?
The Comparator is a basic tool for machinists, inspectors, engineers, toolmakers, draftsmen, scientists, jewelers, printers, model makers and more.
How Accurate is it?
Ten times more accurate than a standard steel ruler.
With care a steel scale can be read to the nearest 0.01”, while with equal care Finescale can be read to the nearest 0.001”.
How is it made?
Finescale reticles are manufactured photographically using a precision microfilm camera. Every reticle is an original negative photograph from a master 20 times full size. The masters are prepared on a precision coordinatograph which maintains an accuracy of .001" in 10 inches. The master base material is .007 thick mylar. The reticles are checked for accuracy on a batch basis using a 120 power microscope with a .0001" reading micrometer stage. Calibration of the micrometer is accomplished with a .500" gauge block that is certified by the National Bureau of Standards. Camera set up, focus, temperature and humidity further effect finished reticle accuracy. As a result we can state an accuracy of +/- .0005" full scale for all or our reticles. The Reticle itself is of a polyester base insuring good temperature stability. Finescale reticles are intended for use in the Finescale Magnifying Comparator ONLY.
how do you use it?
Use it just as you do any other scale - put it down on the work and measure. Download full instruction sheet here.
How do I order?
New Customers: Email or call to open an account.
Existing Customers: Order by email, phone, fax, mail or the order form here.
via email: srgray@msn.com
via phone: (714) 538-2435
via fax: (714) 997-1939
via mail:
Finescale Company
2118 West Collins Avenue
Orange, CA 92867