Used effectively by recognized companies.
“ our Alloy plant we use the Finescale Comparator to measure non-metallic inclusions...In our extrusion facility in checking angles, corner and fillet radii...Our rolling Mill inspectors in obtaining measurements of surface imperfections of sheet and plate. they have proved invaluable in our in-process inspection where time and space is limited. They have reduced some inherent areas of inspection judgment...To investigate quality problems in our customers’ plants, I carry one in my briefcase.”
“...very well designed instrument, well made, versatile and very modestly priced...a standard addition to tool kits and tool cribs...””
“...utilized in test laboratories to measure rubber latex particles from electron micrographs...the Magnifying Comparator increases both speed and accuracy of measurement...””
“...we are very pleased with your Magnifying comparator and find more accuracy in using it than in some of the more expensive instruments in our shop...we depend a great deal on this little instrument and have a great deal of respect for it...”
“...the comparator that we purchased from your company has the complete satisfaction of our using department. the comparator is presently being used to inspect spot welds and seam welds...”
“the comparator is being used to measure hole diameter and configuration of titanium dimpled test panel...also used for visual inspection, checking for imperfections and surface cracks...the comparator checks the accuracy of thread angle consistency and depth, the flange angle accuracy, metal thickness and other measurements...”
“the finescale magnifying comparator is being used by one of our microwave and power tube the development of classified military tubes...He finds that your instrument is convenient to use and does the job quickly and accurately. he is using it in comparing extremely small sizes...”
“...purchased for the machine shop...issued to an engineer who needed just such a device for use in the field...other comparators were purchased later by persons who saw ours...”
“...mainly utilized for checking type faces on credit cards. accuracy is required in as much as the final imprint is optically scanned...”
“...we have found your Finescale Magnifying Comparator a useful device...used in evaluating records from a cathode ray oscilloscope...also a useful device for making fine measurements, particularly angular measurements, on drawing layouts...”